Kids learn something new every day, even when they’re just playing or scribbling away on paper. Same goes when you provide them with a coloring book and some crayons, markers, color pencils and other art materials.
The act of coloring has proven to be therapeutic even for adults, so imagine what it can do for young children!
Here are some amazing benefits of coloring in toddlers:
It practices their pencil grip
One of the first art/writing instrument most toddlers hold is a crayon. By using crayons for scribbling or coloring, they are fine-tuning their pencil grip, which is important later on for when they start to draw and write.
The more they use crayons to color, the more practice they get which also helps improve their hand strength. Hand strength is crucial for the development of fine motor skills that are hand-related, like handwriting.
Using crayons and coloring help exercise the muscles as well as improve hand strength and dexterity.
It stimulates creativity
You stimulate your little one’s creative centers in their mind whenever you provide a coloring book and some art materials. Their brain will start to process the colors, lines, shapes, and elements of the photo. They also work to interpret what they see and create or imagine stories in their mind.
It encourages independence and self-expression
When you give your little one the opportunity to draw and color, you are helping improve their independence and self-expression. With crayons and piece of paper, children will face the challenge of what to draw, what colors to choose, will it be just one color or more, how to stay inside the lines, will the face be smiling or frowning and more. In a way, they are also expressing themselves and their emotions through the “artwork” they create.
It improves fine motor coordination
So keep investing on good coloring books and art materials because there are plenty of amazing benefits of coloring in toddlers! Don’t forget to spend some quality time with your child and color with him!