Common symptoms of Autism and ADHD and We find below symptoms in my son’s daily activity.
Flipping his hand in front of Eyes so many times daily(We feel when he is excited about anything he does so ).
Always Trying to move somewhere even not seat anywhere for 1 min.
No attention for other people always try to attach with pen, pencil, and small objects.
When He was 1 Year 11 months when I call him by his name he comes instantly towards me but now if I call he responds after when knocking some many times.
Now he doesn’t like to eat anything only likes to eat his favorable food like fish, egg, potato chips, snacks, etc.
Self talk: My son sometimes talks about something which we are not able to understand and sometimes he talks valid words also.
Your child may have different symptom you need to watch him/her carefully and consult with a neuro paediatrician or physcologist for proper assesment.
People can able to learn about Common symptoms of Autism and ADHD from below informative Links